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Our Events 

22 November 2020


'Day of Freedom' - 'Dzień Niepodległości'

On the 22nd November 2020, a concert was held in Bankstown in commemoration of 102nd Anniversary

of Regaining Freedom' by Poland.


The concert was organised by the Polish Cultural Association in NSW under the patronage 

of the Federation of Polish Associations in NSW.


Polish artists from Polish Schools and Dance Ensembles took part in the celebrations with their musical and artistic talents.


The concert was inter-woven with Polish instrumental music and the singing of Polish patriotic songs.


The proceedings commenced by singing the 'Rota'. Members of the dance ensembles Kujawy, Lajkonik and children from the Polish Saturday Schools in Liverpool, MacArthur and  Ashfield delighted the audience with their artistic talent.


Marzena Mazurek 


Translated by Abbi Latecka

12 December 2020
W sobotę 12 grudnia odbył się w Marayong w Sali Jana Pawła II Koncert Muzyki Poważnej, zorganizowany dla uczczenia Święta Niepodległości Polski oraz 100-lecia Bitwy Warszawskiej.
Utwory w przeważającej większości, polskich kompozytorów wykonał młodzieżowy zespół:  ‘L’Armonica String Orchestra’, pod batutą Zdzisława Kowalika. Pieśni Moniuszki wykonała sopranistka polskiego pochodzenia Anita Kyle.
Koncert poprowadziła młodziutka, wszechstronnie utalentowana solistka ‘Lajkonika’ – Abigal Latecka.
Pomimo ograniczeń covidowych z zaproszenia
skorzystała Pani Konsul Generalna, dr Monika Kończyk
a także australijscy politycy. Z tego względu, słowo wiążące a także informacje dotyczące poszczególnych utworów oraz kompozytorów prowadzone były w języku angielskim.
Marianna Łacek
99th anniversary of Independence of Poland
15 September 2020

In line with the President of Poland, Kujawy partook in the Narodowe Czytanie. This year's book was titled 'Balladyna" by the author Juliusz Słowacki. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the reading was delayed and was read to its dancing members after dancing practise on 15 September 2020.

Our readers were Monika Potaczała, Paulina Pazdzior and Mrs Barbara Kubiak. The role of Alina was read by Monika Potaczała, Balladyna by Paulina Pazdzior and remaining characters by Mrs Barbara Kubiak.

They read Act I Scene III, where the prince Kirkor comes to the house that Alina, Balladyna and their widowed mother live in.

The members of Kujawy that were sitting in the audience were enthralled and mesmerised by the tale of two sisters, both vying to marry the prince. To choose which of the sisters is to marry, as both are beautiful, he sets them a task to pick raspberries. The sister who picks the most raspberries he will marry.

Overall the reading was a great success and enjoyed by all present. Thank you to Monika, Paulina and Mrs Barbara Kubiak for undertaking the reading of the book 'Balladyna'. Kujawy Sydney thanks the Federation of Polish Associations in NSW for giving them the chance to partake in the Narodowe Czytanie of 2020.

Jolanta Zurawski

15 August 2020

Ceremony at Marayong Church, Sydney on the occasion of the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary, 100th anniversary for the Fight for Warsaw with the Bolsheviks and Polish Army Day, 76th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising and the 81st anniversary of World War II.

The Ceremony commenced with Holy Mass, of which members of the Polish community, the Clergy, representative of the Polish Consulate in Sydney, and Polish Organisations in Sydney took part. Members from organisati ons showed their standards - Kół Armii Krajowej, Stowarzyszyszenia Polskich Kombatantów, Stowarzyszenia Nasza Polonia, Hufca Polesie and Solidarność.

After holy mass, was celebrated by Father Superior of the Society of Christ Tadeusz Przybylak and with a very moving patriotic homily by Father Antoni Dudek. After mass a Call for the Fallen was lead by the president of the Association of Polish Ex-Soldiers in Sydney, Mr Stanisław Żak.

In the parish hall, John Paul II was held the official side of the celebrations with speeches and a beautiful concert called 'That We Are Worthy of Their Wounds' (Obyśmy Byli Godni lch Ran) . The patron of the celebrations was the Federation of Polish Associations in NSW with  Mr  Adam Gajkowski presiding. A special thank you to the Polish Consulate RP in Sydney, for taking part in the day's events, so that everyone present could look at the displays around the hall  showing the War with the Bolsheviks during 1919-1920.


Speeches were made by Father Superior Tadeusz Przybylak and the Polish Consul General Dr. Monika Kończyk.

A historical lecture was given by Mr Janusz Tydda on the Fight for Warsaw, making a special mention in regards to the blockade of arms and ammunition from France and Hungry to Poland by Germany and Czec hoslovakia . The transport from England sent the cargo via France and Hungry, which had to divert through Rumania to Gdansk were the cargo was unloaded by British soldiers and loaded into trains to go to Poland.


The concert side of the celebration was prepared by Sister Agnieszka Misiak and Mrs Bożena Szymanski. Participants in the concert were the children from the Polish Saturday School Marayong, Mrs Bożena Szymanski, Mrs Małgorzata Żak and Mr Wiesław Rogolinski.

It has to be noted that present at the celebration were two veterans, soldiers of the Warsaw Uprising , Mr Ryszard Czeczucha and Mr Jerzy Żelazowski who are both 93 years old.




Dr Ryszard Adams-Dzierzba

Translated by Abbi Latecka

Ball of the Federation

Polish Club in Bankstown

Meeting with David Clarke MLC

in the Parliment of NSW

Commemoration of Warsaw Uprising

73rd anniversary

Polish Club in Ashfield 

Rally "Katyń - Smoleńsk" to Jindabyne

Meeting with Adam Kwiatkowski, the Secretary of State of the President of the Republic of Poland

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